Tag Archives: Frlngath the Unbroken

Guild Stories: Corrupted Brood

Hello, my still faithful (I hope) blog readers. Since we’ve started the guild, I’ve been writing up summaries of our stories there on the guild Discord, but I never published them out to the public. I figured people would be interested in hearing what happened to Krasha since, so I’m sharing the Discord summaries here.


Krasha came to us with a new job – he needs to craft an insanity-protecting cloak, like the ones Wrathion hands out to the real heroes. However, Wrathion doesn’t like him much for some reason and refused to help, so we had to make our own the hard way.

First order of business, we needed to find a collector in Shadowforge City who had a taxidermied black dragon and gather the scales of that dragon. We delved into the city and went through some rough individuals to find him. After Elranei mind controlled a ruffian who worked for the collector, we finally visited his home, but further attempts to control the collector himself were proving difficult. As we soon found out, the man went to the Twilight’s Hammer to use his taxidermied dragon to transform himself into a drakonid, and then he mind controlled his own wife. Sadly, we had to kill him, since the dragon was fake now, and then skin him, or rather his drakonid form, much to Charlie’s chagrin.

Unfortunately, the scales of the drakonid were not fitting for Krasha’s purposes, as there was neither enough of them, nor were they corrupt in the right way. So we went to Outland to try to skin the dragons hanging off the spikes of Blade’s Edge Mountains. That’s when we were surprised by two very much living black dragons, Sabellian and his consort Samia. We had to abide by Sabellian’s demands and do a task for him first – kill a grandson of Gruul who’s been causing Sabellian trouble. After the gronn gave us quite a beating before dying, the black dragon finally allowed us to skin one of his dead brothers. And that material was finally good enough.

Our last task was to acquire the recipe for the cloak, and we had a perfect target to get that from. A Blacktalon Agent called Sheba was spotted in some shady parts of Old Town and as we went to confront her, she fled using magic, and we apprehended someone we needed for other reasons (see below). When we followed Sheba, we found a strange, red portal below the Pig and Whistle. As Theramas investigated it, it turned out to lead to a parallel universe. We left to prepare for that trip and secured the red portal.

A bit later, we followed through and found an alternate universe where the blood elves were never Horde, and Scarlet Crusade was openly preaching hate on the streets of Stormwind. Following Sheba’s trail, we found her in the library where she set a trap for us, but we managed to convince her to bargain with us. As it turns out, she’s no Blacktalon Agent. She is the Black Queen – the female version of that universe’s Wrathion. After giving us some powerful magical artifacts, Sheba gave us the creepy recipe, calling for the blood of a holy man and the hair of a living unicorn, and we finally had everything we needed for the cloaks.

Planet Aman’thul

MenrimOur boss’s latest project caused some consternation. After Jhuuton announced he found a way to the Titan Pantheon, we thought it would be something best to remain far away from. Alas, Verroak had to insist on actually going through it. He was giddy with anticipation of the things he could learn from the Titans. He was sure nothing could go wrong – that even if the Titans would prove hostile to us, we could just get away quickly and close the gate behind us and pray – his exact word – they do not follow. He was always possessed with the idea of gaining more knowledge but many of us thought knocking directly on the Pantheon’s doorstep was too dangerous. As it would turn out, all of us – those expecting the Titans to be hostile and those expecting them to be friendly – were proven wrong.

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Binding a Gelugon – RP Thread

Binding a Gelugon – Thread on the RP forum

Character Profiles: Frlngath the Unbroken

Frlngath-Theramas-2Name: Born Theramas Dawnrunner, as a Faceless One is known as Frlngath the Unbroken.
Race: Faceless One (formerly High Elf)
Gender: male
Age: Over 6,000
Class: Priest (shadow)
Professions: enchanting, inscription
Religion: Formerly Holy Light and Old God worship, currently apostatic
Alignment (per D&D): Chaotic Neutral
Traits (per CK2): quick, mystic, chaste, diligent, humble, envious, deceitful, zealous, cruel, lunatic

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The Un-meeting

IzzikShienor-100I’m not on the research staff, so most of the days I have a fair share of free time when I’m done producing potions and overseeing the gnolls and the broken draenei in my production room. Then I go out and try to chat up a few people in our “village” and realize how busy or tired most of them are. Yesterday evening when I was done with work, I went to look for Orkan and found him in Verroak’s room, working on some solution they were preparing together. He had no time for me, so I thought I’d check some other important people around here. I checked Theramas first, and he was still in his lab. He never seems to tire. I know what he is in reality, but it still seems strange. For two days straight he’s been in his lab, working on spells to treat his mental patients. And he wasn’t the only researcher busy with work either. Zovaar was working on those enchanted information disks, and he even got Podric to help him. I kept wandering around until I found the boss in the security quarters – or mission control, as he started calling it recently.

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Brain and Slime Fixation

(Official report from the away mission)

YuGwai-New-100We were informed of the issues Duke Carcon of the Eastern Marches of Ivarind has a long time ago. In fact, yesterday’s mission was attempted once before, but due to an astronomical occurrence, we were prevented from completing it. Our official objective was to report to Duke Carcon and follow his directions to a dwelling of the Cult of the Star Gods and to destroy it and kill the forces within. I was accompanied by the following employees of the Tower: Gornn, Mehrzad, Zovaar the Fallen and Frlngath the Unbroken. Unfortunately, upon crossing over we found that things were again not as we intended. However, this time, instead of landing on the wrong planet we found that we were simply too late. Within minutes from our landing in Duke’s castle, we saw hostile forces engaging the inhabitants.

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Wrong address

VerroakArtAvatarAs people are anxious to lose their fingers outside, I’m sitting over the reports from yesterday’s mission. A few days ago, Carcon called me up again and said he interrogated a few of the cultists the list ‘Gath got and got a location of their hideout within his duchy. He tells me they were organizing an attack on that hideout and wanted my people to help out. I’m always eager to help (when I’m promised a monetary reward) so I agreed to send my people in. It just so happened that Izzik recently started bugging people about being sent on missions to be more recognizable in my crew again, so I added her to the group leaving out yesterday. Things obviously didn’t go as planned.

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The Island Expansion

VerroakArtAvatarWhat? No, we’re not talking about Azshara attacking the Alliance and Horde and beginning an expansion into the South Seas, although I did hear a troubling amount of people wishing that would happen. No, it’s about my little syndicate finally expanding into “the Island” – that quaint, little, dark island we found on the South Seas, far from the prying eyes of the authorities. When I got enough gold from the new raiding season starting up, I contacted my usual construction company and started work on the Island. I actually hired quite a few new employees to man the new stations – a bunch of new porters, and I’m still hiring research specialists. One of my new employees was my old “friend”, Balerok. It came to me as a surprise, as I’ve seen him throw his lot with Wrathion before.

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Fake dragons and brains on legs

VerroakArtAvatarUsually when you call someone a dragon, it means they’re a large, flying, fire-breathing lizard. And when you call someone brain on legs it’s quite the opposite – you do not imagine an actual brain on actual legs. What my people found on Ivarind was of course the opposites of what they expected. I knew things about Ivarind ever since I contacted that Bolivia on Darfell. She sent me some information about her world, but so far it was only words on paper for me. When I had the Aperusei business dealt with, I started scouting Ivarind to see more of it on my own, or rather through the Eye of Terokk. And you know, Ivarind is a world that has never had contact with demons, so they were freaked out when they saw a floating eye on the streets. After some of that scouting I decided it’s time to send my nephew on a mission. Oh yeah, the nephew. I never wrote about him.

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Blast from the Past

VerroakArtAvatarSometimes I wonder if being so apathetic to world-threatening villains really pays off. I mean, the general idea is that if I leave them alone, they leave me alone and maybe I can profit from both sides. Usually that wouldn’t work only on villains that are bent on world-destruction, like the Burning Legion or the Scourge. So when there are issues like “that angry mogu from legendary times” or “a bunch of bored orcs”, you expect them to just pass you by or make business with you. Take those satyrs that have been acting up in Kalimdor – they’re good customers. But this Iron Horde? These people are jerks. And they’re your regular mortals too, they just don’t know who to leave alone. So what did they do when they saw my tower? They decided to attack on sight. Are signs of civilization offensive to orc sensitivity or something?
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