Monthly Archives: December 2014

Wrong address

VerroakArtAvatarAs people are anxious to lose their fingers outside, I’m sitting over the reports from yesterday’s mission. A few days ago, Carcon called me up again and said he interrogated a few of the cultists the list ‘Gath got and got a location of their hideout within his duchy. He tells me they were organizing an attack on that hideout and wanted my people to help out. I’m always eager to help (when I’m promised a monetary reward) so I agreed to send my people in. It just so happened that Izzik recently started bugging people about being sent on missions to be more recognizable in my crew again, so I added her to the group leaving out yesterday. Things obviously didn’t go as planned.

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Character Profiles: Izzik Shienor

Izzik in the Swan's lab

Izzik in the Swan’s lab

Name: Izzik Shienor
Race: Arakkoa
Gender: prefers not to specify ((female))
Age: 20
Class: Shaman (elemental)
Professions: herbalism, alchemy, fishing, cooking
Religion: Holy Light
Alignment (per D&D): Neutral Good
Traits (per CK2): diligent, charitable, kind, patient, gregarious, poet

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A Winter Veil Carol

VerroakArtAvatarI hate Winter Veil. It’s the ultimate exercise in deceit. Everyone pretends to be happy and nice to everyone else because they’re expected to show this “holiday cheer”. People usually pretend all year long, but never does this giant lie reach such giant levels as during Winter Veil. And don’t get me started on all those tacky decorations. Trees cut down en masse and placed in houses only to be decorated by these awful lights and glass bulbs. Seriously, who came up with this stuff? I can’t stand looking at those Winter Veil trees at all. And then come the presents. Because everyone pretends to be nice, they have to spend more gold than they have on presents for their loosely defined friends and family. And don’t try to forget about someone who thought was your friend, or imagine buying the wrong present for someone. Suddenly all that deceit of holiday cheer is dispelled. Humbug!

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Character Profiles: Orkan Krasha

Name: Orkan Krasha
Race: Arakkoa
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Class: Warlock (demonology)
Professions: Cooking, leatherworking, minor alchemy
Religion: Atheistic
Alignment (per D&D): True Neutral
Traits (per CK2): Quick, weak, cynical, diligent, patient, honest

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Alien Space Bats and Their Magic

tarakan-avatarIt began a few days ago when I picked up a temporal disturbance emanating from the present day. The patterns where typical of mortals manipulating time for their own personal gain, so I thought this would be a small task and went to investigate. I began following the trail but I couldn’t quite pin-point its physical location. No matter where I would go I was still very far away – at least continents away. Finally, I realized what was happening – the disturbance wasn’t even on Azeroth. Someone was messing with time on a distant planet, one I couldn’t find through my simple instruments. I finally asked Chronormu for a permission to use the Keepers’ Lab to trace the disturbance more delicately. Only there I found that the world where it was happening was almost on the edge of our galaxy – and it was an uncharted world Azeroth knows nothing about.

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The Island Expansion

VerroakArtAvatarWhat? No, we’re not talking about Azshara attacking the Alliance and Horde and beginning an expansion into the South Seas, although I did hear a troubling amount of people wishing that would happen. No, it’s about my little syndicate finally expanding into “the Island” – that quaint, little, dark island we found on the South Seas, far from the prying eyes of the authorities. When I got enough gold from the new raiding season starting up, I contacted my usual construction company and started work on the Island. I actually hired quite a few new employees to man the new stations – a bunch of new porters, and I’m still hiring research specialists. One of my new employees was my old “friend”, Balerok. It came to me as a surprise, as I’ve seen him throw his lot with Wrathion before.

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Worlds of the Nether OOC Insights

The setting, or rather settings, I’ve been making for our Worlds of the Nether campaigns/sessions on Twitter do not appear to be particularly complex. I mean, all you get to see from those worlds are small glimpses that can serve in two or three scenes we can manage to pull off in one evening. Even a TV show that visits one world per week, for 45 minutes, gets a better exposure for their worlds because they can just pull off many more scenes, detailing many more characters and more background elements. So you’d think I don’t need to explore much of the worlds I’m making for these, as long as I make a compelling setting for a few quick fights or talks, right? Well, you’re wrong. I mean, maybe I don’t need to do that, but I do it anyway, because I have some compulsion to write small details into everything that probably borders on a mental disorder.

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Character Profiles: Menrim

MenrimShoppedName: Menrim
Race: Tol’vir
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Class: Factotum
Professions: herbalism, inscription, cooking, fishing
Religion: Holy Light (layman)
Alignment (per D&D): Neutral Good
Traits (per CK2): Quick, scholar, honest, shy, diligent, kind, charitable, cynical, trusting, patient, craven

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Butterfly effect

tarakan-avatarHave you ever heard of butterfly effect? It comes from that saying that a single flap of wings of a butterfly can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. In other words, one tiny thing can have giant repercussions for the entire world. While every decision everyone makes has the potential to cause such effect, most people do not worry about it, nor should they. If everyone was worried about global repercussions of the breakfast they ate this day, nothing would ever get done. But we time-travelers must think about it all the time. When you do something in the present and it changes the world, it’s the natural course of things. But if you go back in time and sneeze, infecting an ancient person with a disease innocuous to you but lethal to him, you prevent all his future children from existing, and all of their children, and so on, changing the entire course of history. An already established history from which you came.

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Character Profiles: Dawn-Seeker Verroak



Name: Verroak Krasha
Race: High Arakkoa
Gender: Prefers not to specify ((male))
Age: 32
Class: Sun-Sage
Professions: engineering, jewelcrafting
Religion: New Dawn (a restoration of the old Apexis religion)
Alignment (per D&D): Neutral Good
Traits (per CK2): Quick, weak, scholar, mystic, diligent, proud, deceitful, shy, ambitious, kind

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