Monthly Archives: November 2014

Character Profiles: Tarakan Krasha


by enipnion


Name: Tarakan Krasha
Race: (Outcast) Arakkoa
Gender: Prefers not to specify ((male))
Age: 67 (as of this posting)
Class: Hunter
Professions: skinning, leatherworking, cooking, fishing, first aid
Religion: deistic
Alignment (per D&D): True Neutral
Traits (per CK2): Quick, shy, content, patient, temperate, diligent, brave

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Things we’re lacking in Twitter RP – WoD edition

Here I am, back with my personal wishlist of things I feel we’re missing from our Twitter RP community on Twitter. The old list has been set to private for some time now, because it was starting to get really outdated. Not only many of the characters I wished for already appeared, but with Warlords of Draenor out, new priorities appeared. There are some important and cool characters that would be great to see on played out on Twitter. Like the previous one, it’s mostly a list of my personal preferences – if you feel there are other characters that you can do well and would be beneficial to our current RP environment, go ahead and create accounts for them!

While it may be tempting for some of RP old-timers to create those accounts, I think it would be best to let some new blood in, and don’t hog all the good characters for ourselves!

  • Reshad– a character intentionally designed to resemble Lorewalker Cho, he has however a much smaller role. He is a great storyteller with an interesting personality, and an outcast from the new timeline from Warlords of Draenor. Personally, I’d love to see more of his and Percy’s adventures, but Darkscryer Raastok, who appears to be the outcasts’ leader in WoD, would be a great addition as well.
  • Terokk– with Warlords of Draenor, this character, once cursed as a tyrant, is given a new lease of life. It turns out he wasn’t so bad after all and the players have already helped him to regain his sanity. Although he isn’t truly alive, he is a spirit watching over the outcasts, which can apparently switch between a cursed and winged form. With everything we learned about him in WoD, he’d be a great addition.
  • Fel-Sage Rhaze– Now, calm down, I know it’s not a canon character. In fact, it’s a character I invented for my Farahlon Game Design Exercise posts, to explain a new Shadow Council-aligned faction of arakkoa. Rhaze, implied to have been the founder of tBC’s Veil Rhaze, would be a former Sethekk turned into a vrock, a fel-corrupted arakkoa, and served Gul’dan in face of the great blow the adventurers dealt to the Sethekk.
  • Azuka Bladefury- Probably the only warlord missing from Twitter, and the only female warlord we know of, Azuka is certainly a promising character. Which is why she’ll likely die quickly, but let’s have her with us as long as we can, shall we?
  • Sunwalker Dezco  – A carry-over from the previous list, I would still like to see him on Twitter. Dezco is similarly to Baine a guy with heart in the right place, but he’s also kinda dumb, being infamous among the fanbase for “using babies as armor”. This could be played in fun ways, and the kind of personality Dezco exhibits would fill a certain niche in the current community.
  • Thaelin Darkanvil– Thaelin is character prominent now in Warlords of Draenor. For a long time, he merely stood in the Searing Gorge as a member of the Thorium Brotherhood, but he has now joined the forces Moira sent to Draenor in the name of Ironforge. Although he doesn’t have much personality beyond “dwarf”, he could still be a fun character to play with.
  • Bodyguards– Tormmok is already there, but the other bodyguards, like Leorahj or Vivianne, seem to have quite a lot of personality when you interact with them on the field of battle. It can even go beyond bodyguards and to other followers. Maybe we can see Pleasure-Bot 8000! Or Kimzy Pinchwhistle! Or Image of Archmage Vargoth! The possibilities are endless! Well, as endless as the number of followers.
  • Sal’salabim – One of the most unique denizes of Shattrath City, I greatly enjoyed the one quest he gave me. A hard-drinking demon who left the Burning Legion and lives like a small-time thug sounds a pretty cool and unusual character concept. I think I’d enjoy Sal’salabim on Twitter. He has some past history with Verroak too.
  • Darius Crowley  – A controversial figure in Gilneas because he basically handed his kingdom over to the Horde, he nevertheless remains a very prominent and unique character. His Twitter handle would HAVE TO be “LordBoxhead” or a variation thereof.
  • Theldurin the Lost – In a pinch, Lucien Tosselwrench or Martek the Exiled would do. One of these crazy gag characters that could be pretty funny on Twitter. Also, he could have ties to me, Lunk, and Myzrael. Also, I would love to learn if he finally punched that dragon in the face.
  • Myzrael – Also known as “Theradras’s hot sister”, she was a bit confusing back in vanilla. Now, in Cataclysm, she appears uncorrupted in Deepholm commenting on her release in the original events of Arathi Highlands. Whether she came coupled with a Theradras account, she could be the source of endless jokes about sister-sister rivalry, especially one between a “hotter” and “uglier” sister.
  • Or’kaos the Isane – Also known as “Or’kaos the Pointless”. Added in the game as the original culmination of the Netherwing questline, Or’kaos’ role in it has been since replaced by another quest. He, however, is left in the game with no purpose, just wandering around his little floating island with no way out, which is probably why he’s insane. Probably was once a fel orc transformed into a nether drakonid for his service to the Illidari.

Like the previous list, I will try to update this one with new additions when they become relevant. If you have ideas for cool characters that I omitted and that you’d want someone to do, message me in any way and I’ll add them here if I agree.

Fake dragons and brains on legs

VerroakArtAvatarUsually when you call someone a dragon, it means they’re a large, flying, fire-breathing lizard. And when you call someone brain on legs it’s quite the opposite – you do not imagine an actual brain on actual legs. What my people found on Ivarind was of course the opposites of what they expected. I knew things about Ivarind ever since I contacted that Bolivia on Darfell. She sent me some information about her world, but so far it was only words on paper for me. When I had the Aperusei business dealt with, I started scouting Ivarind to see more of it on my own, or rather through the Eye of Terokk. And you know, Ivarind is a world that has never had contact with demons, so they were freaked out when they saw a floating eye on the streets. After some of that scouting I decided it’s time to send my nephew on a mission. Oh yeah, the nephew. I never wrote about him.

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Character Profiles: Verroak Krasha

by enipnion

by enipnion

Name: Verroak Krasha
Race: (Outcast) Arakkoa
Gender: Prefers not to specify ((male))
Age: 67 (as of this posting)
Class: Druid (balance)
Professions: herbalism, alchemy, cooking, archaeology
Religion: Holy Light (in theory), atheistic (in practice)
Alignment (per D&D): Neutral Evil
Traits (per CK2): Quick, weak, lunatic, scholar, mystic, diligent, proud, deceitful, craven, shy, chaste, ambitious, cynical, paranoid, cruel

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Worlds of the Nether: Ivarind

BoliviaMy name is Boliviadori, and I wasked to speak about my world, the one my kind calls Ivarind. You may not be able to tell, but I’m actually a dragon. I represent violet dragonflight, the guardians of magic of our world. Although researching magic and making sure mortals do not abuse it is our primary task, we are otherwise usually neutral and unaffiliated. We accept any jobs that come our way, as long as they do not collide with our greater duties. Some time ago, when our world started contacting other worlds out there, my kind was one of the first to visit these worlds and represent ours. For that reason, many think Ivarind is a world of dragons, or mercenaries, but it has quite a bit of its own, unique civilizations.

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The Skeletons in Velen’s Closet

VerroakArtAvatarI don’t mean that Velen has literal skeletons in his closet. I would be really surprised if he did. He’s one of the holy preachy types and though those can quite often be rather dark under all that cover of light, Velen is not this kind of guy. He’s the kind of fool who actually believes in the stuff he preaches. What I meant was that all of us have their secrets or things they’d rather forget about. As I always say, nobody is incorruptible. Not even Velen. Even he does some questionable things. Don’t believe me? Well, imagine this: there’s a bunch of draenei out there in space who are known as thieves and scoundrels, and who feel offended by being called draenei. Where did those come from? Here’s where.

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Lords of the Nexus: Another Chance

A long time ago, in a distant and strange universe, a race of intelligent beings arose from their earth. These beings were remarkably human, both in appearance and in intelligence. Many among them argued who gave them life and intelligence, but a small group argued all life in their universe originated from the Nexus – a shining beacon of magical light that could do anything one could imagine. In time, that small group found that light and discovered their myths of the Nexus were true. This light transformed them and let them ascend to another level of existence. From there, they looked over their world and saw it as imperfect. They imposed their will on their world and became known as the Arbiters – the source of power and knowledge to all in the world that became known as the Nexus.

But their new found powers let them see past their world and see many, many worlds not only in their universe but others as well. Azeroth, Draenor, Tarsonis, Char, Earth, Tuul, Sanctuary… All they saw in those worlds was imperfection that they needed to correct, which they believed could only be done with their guidance. But they knew they could not take over these worlds with the few followers they had now. They needed commanders, generals, heroes of the coming storm. They opened rifts in time and space through which they pulled the great heroes of these worlds towards them and brainwashed them to fight in great games in which they honed their skills until they could truly become…

Heroes of the Storm

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Prophet Isas

MenrimMany modern humans when asked how did they come to worship the concept of Holy Light will answer that it just came naturally, or maybe even that humans always worshiped it. It couldn’t be further from truth, as some other groups would tell you. While the Church of the Holy Light doesn’t stress mythology to the degree some other religions do, there is a canon regarding the origins of the religion and its founder. Even though some priests would still tell you that humans always worshiped the Light and the prophet just gave the religion a form and canon, but as far as we can tell, there was little religious consensus among early humans. The concept of the Holy Light is very old, but it remained an abstract concept not directly tied to any major religions for thousands of years.

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Infinite Azeroths: Flashpoint

The gathered heroes stood opposite the newly arrived villains. The Arbiters. Lords of the Nexus. The true benefactors behind Kairozdormu’s recent rampage across the timelines. And behind them, a nexus of arcane energies that brought them here. A hole in the fabric of reality. A rift to another realm. A realm that even Chromie, a bronze dragon, found to be outside of her knowledge. She came to see all realms anywhere within the universe, past, present or future, this timeline or another. And yet this, for the first time in a long while, was a complete mystery to her. What is this Nexus? Who are these Arbiters? What do they want? Why would they erase from existence such an uncountable amount of lives?

“I know all the questions racing in your head,” The Arbiter in the center, Lord Order, responded without any hint of emotion in his voice, “and I know the answers to all of them. But all in the right order.”

Shaman Dezco frowned at the response. “Do you have no conscience?” he said. “Do you know how many lives were lost forever because of you?”

“Yes,” another Arbiter, Lord Reason, responded, “We know the exact number of lives lost. And no, we have no conscience. We have abandoned such… obstacles to true success when we became what we are now.”

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